Friday, February 26, 2010

Just Because I Can

I love you. I know you love me back. You make me feel so warm inside. You always know how to comfort me when my day hasn’t been so good. You are always there for me when other are not. Your scent holds a certain trance over me and my thoughts. When I close my eyes I see you waiting for me to embrace you. You are my beginning my present and my end. If I were to go another day without you I may as well end it all today. Thank you Jack Daniels for never judging me and always giving me the courage to do things I might not have done without you. You are true friend. Ha. Now I know what you are thinking. This lame ass is an hard core boozer. Well …. No. I just have a finer taste for the good things in life. Don’t get me wrong I love a good cold beer on a hot day in the summer, but when it comes down to it nothing beats a smooth glass of single barrel JD. MMMMM…. This sweet nectar of the gods I do have to admit I crave. It is my fire water. And I am damn proud of it. Please feel free to judge I really don’t care. I have converted many a naysayer in this world and all would agree with me. Now this maybe a dumb thing to blog about but after reading a few other blogs this week I thought I would end the week with something that took no thought what so ever. Some day I will own my own barrel of Jack and when that day comes I will finally have hit the pinnacle of my life and be forever happy, I do apologize to my future wife because I am sure she will just love the idea of having a barrel of booze buried in the back yard. So to all of you on this Friday I say good day and have a great weekend and remember that JD will always be there for you when no one else will or even just to make your already exciting life a little better. Good day to you all.

“ In the eyes of the world you are nothing but to me you are everything to which I will never let you go. You will be my everything and my always forever….”

Cubs suck-gonna start putting that on the end of all my blogs from now on.

1 comment:

  1. At first I thought your blog was about a Vagina and I was laughing out loud in my lovely, little cubicle....If that was the case I was going to suggest you start writing trashy romance novels for men. Do men read romance novel or is the equivalent porn? I digress.

    I was going to offer to buy you a barrel of Jack when I win the lottery, which might I add is fast approaching...then I read the last line. You suck. Your blog doesn't, but you do.

    Thank you for briefly entertaining me and for making me think you were blogging about J's that was enjoyable. It's Friday, who doesn't want a little erotic discussion? (kidding)
