Monday, February 15, 2010


When I started this whole blogging thing I thought to myself , " hey this will be way to easy, I can just randomly talk about things that pop up in this little head of mine." But to my surprise it is way more difficult than I thought. The fact that I have poor vocabulary and writing skills makes it very difficult to transfer ideas and thoughts to actual words, but that fact alone shouldn't stop me from expressing myself in the best way I can. The most difficult issue is originality. I have been reading a few blogs here and there and I have noticed that they were boring and blah. Not that they weren't good topics or written well, nor am I bashing the the actual blogger and what he/she wants to write about because I am very well aware that my blog is lame. However with that said, boring. And why is that I ask myself? I thought maybe I have gotten to such a opinionated point in my life I have to be critical of everything I see or read or experience. Which to some degree its true. As I thought about this more I realized that its not entirely my fault ( not just saying that for self-preservation ), the lack of originality all around me is vast and is depleting what I know as " thinking outside the box ". Now I already know what my huge following of readers will say, " originality is within yourself ". Well thats all nice sugar coated but the thought of being original for me and for society is hard to find anymore. Multiple venues of social networking and entertainment have been great for the sharing of ideas as well as the lack of a genuine thought or genuine distinction of something great. This blog entry has a potential to be very long and very drawn out so on the basis of time and not wanting to bore my readers I will leave this up to interpretation of the reader because if you stop and think of all the things you see , hear or feel you can reasonably differ all the things that lack originality.

To each their own.

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