Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Douche or Turd

Now I have battled blogging about the issue of Obama and the utter stupidity of voters in the last election for sometime now but recent conversations have pushed me towards discussing it. This blog entry could go in multiple directions and have multiple discussion points. But for the sake of arguing, citing and my laziness I am only going to touch on a few issues.

First lets talk about the election and what it was about. Change. The word change in context to this election was anything as far away from the Bush administration as possible. Fair enough. Everyone was fed up with how things were going. A failing economy and 2 unpopular wars strained the nation. ( I will reference hindsight coming up so be prepared.) So of course the platform of change would be a good one for any politician. The combination of impressionable individuals , social networking, great campaigning , and possibly crack cocaine led to the unity behind one candidate the country has never seen. And the result of this was a complete landslide of Obama. After watching all the promises and politicking taking place I said to myself “ self I sure hope that the American voter sure knows how government works”, and of course I let myself down by believing they did.

After talking to many people for the last year and a half on why they voted for Obama the overwhelming response was I wanted change. So I asked the simple question what change would you like to see? And of course the people that I talk to ramble on with everything from the Iraq war, homosexual marriage, to the health care debate. I then asked all these changes you want to see you honestly believe that the President can do all that? And to my surprise but shouldn’t have been a surprise yes. Of course at this point I usually want to bash the individuals face in with my fist but didn’t. How can with all the sharing of information in this world i.e. the internet can a person know absolutely nothing about how the government works? To this individual I have no clue. I am going to bold and underline a few of the next sentences to put an emphasis on how important the information is. The President is the most powerful and influential person in the United States government. With this being said , his effect on the law-making process is limited. Only Congress can write legislation. I repeat only Congress can write legislation. The President may only recommend it. If he does so, then a member of Congress may introduce the bill for consideration. Now with that being said I shouldn’t have to explain why its so frustrating to her sane individuals have no concept on how government works. These people have the balls to criticize past administrations but have no clue how anything works. To these people I say get out and move to Canada please and thank you. Because of your stupidity you are costing us more and more everyday in the lives of Americans and the pocket books of your great ,great grandchildren. Yes I understand that voting was created so that every American citizen has a part in their government no matter their education level. However with the information out there today it is inexcusable for this kind of blind stupidity and bandwagon allure. Go ahead bandwagon goers pat yourself on the back you look absolutely retarded. And I get to say this because of what???? ( This is where I reference hindsight ) Hindsight my friends. We can look back and see what was promised and what was supposed to happen to what actually happened. Not much has changed as far as a 180 is concerned. Yes things like extending Bush policies spending more money in one year than any other President in history is change but probably not the change you idiots wanted. What is most irritating to me besides the stupidity of the average voter when it comes to government is the fact when I ask why or how most of them say “ oh I don’t want to talk about this right now” well of course you don’t because you have no fn clue what’s going on but choose to follow everyone else and be a pawn in one of the biggest jokes in American politics and government history.

Now I have been fairly hard on the voter I mean in my head it was a choice between a douche and a turd but because of that reason it isn’t always a good thing to just vote for the sake of voting. We are the direct link to how our government is supposed to work. This isn’t the 1800’s and have no information on what’s going on or how things work. There is no excuse on being uninformed anymore. America is the greatest nation on the face of earth. If you don’t believe that then there is no reason for you to vote or even be in this country. However if we do not pull our heads out our rear ends and get with the program we will fall behind quickly because we will self implode with our own stupidity. To many individuals basing their decisions on emotion and not logic. Leave your emotion at the door and bring your ideas and knowledge to the table. I have faith in you America please show me you are better than the media hype of one man.

Do not worry I believe in Obama. I didn’t vote for him. I didn’t even vote. Like I said it was a choice between a douche and a turd . I couldn’t bring myself as an informed citizen to vote for a single person who I thought deserved the right to lead my country. Obama is walking down a path the he has not paved for himself nor does he want to be on. But being the countries leader he has taken the path head on. Whether he succeeds or fails remains to be seen. For the American peoples sake I hope he succeeds.

“ Tell me why , why oh why…. Should I give my life for you. Some say freedom is free… some say freedom is won through the barrel of gun.”

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